Soul Motion™ is a dance meditation and a conscious movement practice, created by Vinn Arjuna Martí over 40 years.
As Zuza Engler, Soul Motion Faculty says:
"Soul Motion is a practice of paying attention and waking up, together, to the physical reality of a body in motion, and the spiritual reality of the Presence that moves us. It’s a dance at the crossroads of the vertical drop into self and the horizontal extension toward another. There are no steps to follow, just the whimsical path of endless self discovery – down from the mind’s conversations of past and future into the raw, messy & miraculous event of this body sweating, tensing, opening, living and dying: now. Soul Motion offers a key to spontaneous expression, a ticket to the Mystery, and release into freedom."
In every class we move with an inquiry which accompanies our dance and our experience. Very varied music and the verbal guidance of the leader support us in the process. Previous knowledge is not necessary, just the willing to move and to participate.
All bodies and souls are welcome!
The 3 platforms of Soul Motion:
Orbit Orientation: The awareness of 360 degrees around us to explore new perspectives. The awareness that I am the axis between heaven and earth, that I am the center.
Pause Presence: The inclusion of the Pause in our dance and our daily life. The exploration of silence in music and movement. The awareness of my Presence in the space within me and outside of me.
Echo Inspiration: The work with what I see and with what I receive. The play with impulses of something new I can include into my dance and into my daily life. Impulses that make me expand and grow.
Soul Motion works with 4 relational landscapes:
Dance Intimate – we move alone
Dance Comunion – we move with one other
Dance Community – we move with everyone
Dance Infinite – we move our pracice to the everyday life
2 different class formats:
A Mindful Movement class is a fusion of meditation and dance. We start sitting in stillness, dance and come back to sitting in stillness. We move in Dance Intimate and work different aspects of our inner world.
In an Odyssey we travel through all 4 landscapes. We move in Dance Intimate, Dance Comunion and Dance Community. In the Dance Infinite we bring our practice finally to the everyday life and out into the world.